Pia Stærmose, pia-staermose, fjord

Pia Stærmose

Born 6.10.1948

I studied Cand. Ling. Merc. at the Copenhagen Business School and spent many years teaching high school students. Further studies in creative writing and in 2013 I finished my film scriptwriter education.

My film script BUDAPEST, about a high school study tour getting completely out of control, is in the steady hands of a producer.

Together with a Shakespeare geek and a Danish filmproducer I am busy developing a digital teaching platform for the Danish Folkeskole.

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My "writing life"

I am a columnist having my own column in a local paper, where I also write book reviews.

My first novel, FJORD, is a modern saga about love running wild. Several years ago I went to Hald Hovedgård, The Danish Writers and Translators Center with my notes and started writing.

FJORD has a poetic tone and a touch of Nordic blues while unfolding a number of existential themes in the wild Norwegian landscape. A mysterious and creepy place. And tourists are not wanted.

My second novel in the planned trilogy is coming up. The working title is: the Cousin Hierarchy. A main theme here is lack of love and the scary consequences.